
  1. R. Aleksiejūnas, A. Cesiul, K. Svirskas, “Statistical LOS/NLOS Channel Model for Simulations of Next Generation 3GPP Networks“, Elektronika ir elektrotechnika 24(5) – Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, pp. 74-79. October 2018.
  2. R. Aleksiejūnas, A. Cesiul, K. Svirskas, „Spatially Consistent LOS/NLOS Model for Time-Varying MIMO Channels“ , MIKON-URSI, pp 61-64. Poznan, Poland. May 2018.
  3. A. Costanzo, D. Dardari, J. Aleksandravicius, et al., “Energy Autonomous UWB Localization”, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 228-244, Sept. 2017.
  4. J. Aleksandravicius, N. Decarli, A. Guerra, and D. Dardari, “High-Accuracy Localization of Backscattering UWB Tags: Implementation and Experimental Results”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology & Application (RFID-TA), Warsaw, Poland, Sep. 2017, pp. 34-39.
  5. J. Aleksandravicius, J. Krivochiza, R. Aleksiejunas, K. Svirskas, M. Zilinskas, “Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis of DVB-T and LTE Systems”, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, Vol. 22, No 4, 2016, pp. 73-76.
  6. R. Aleksiejunas, “Commentary on A. Habib and M. Rupp (2012), „Antenna Selection in Polarized Multiple Input Multiple Output Transmissions with Mutual Coupling’’,” Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 201–202, 2016. doi: 10.3233/ica-150504
  7. R. Aleksiejunas, “Comment on ‘Gazeau–Klauder cat states’”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 48, no. 23, pp. 238001, 2015. doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/48/23/238001
  8. J. Aleksandravicius; R. Aleksiejunas; P. Bauzyte; V. Jonkus, K. Svirskas, „MIMO antenna selection analysis based on QoS and antenna correlation indicator statistics“, Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 2015 23rd, 2015
  9. R. Aleksiejunas, J. Krivochiza, J. Aleksandravicius, K. Svirskas, V. Jonkus, “Analysis of Radar Interference Effects on MIMO LTE Downlink Performance”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s11277-015-2308-3.
  10. M. Juskauskas, J. Krivochiza, J. Aleksandravicius, K. Svirskas, B. Dzindzeleta, R. Aleksiejunas, M. Zilinskas, “Experimental investigation of radar interference into LTE system at 1800 MHz frequency band”, 21st telecommunications forum TELFOR, Belgrade, 2013, pp. 28-30.
  11. J. Krivochiza, R. Aleksiejunas, K. Svirskas, B. Dzindzeleta, A. Pantelejev, J. Zverelo, M. Zilinskas, J. Aleksandravicius, “Modeling of Radar Interference Impact on VoLTE Service”, 21st telecommunications forum TELFOR, Belgrade, 2013, pp. 25-27.
  12. R. Aleksiejunas, K. Svirskas, J. Krivochiza and J. Aleksandravicius, “Simulation framework for MIMO LTE Network Performance Analysis”, Innovative Infotechnologies for Science, Business and Education, vol. 2, no. 15, 2013, pp. 9-13.
  13. R. Aleksiejunas, K. Svirskas, J. Krivochiza, B. Dzindzeleta, A. Pantelejev, “About 4G Telecommunications Research at Vilnius University”, 6th International Conference Innovative Infotechnologies for Science, Business and Education, Vilnius, 2013, pp. 24.